Guardianship and Conservatorship 

When your loved one can’t take care of their affairs, our attorneys can help
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Guardianship And Conservatorship  Attorney In Cincinnati, Ohio

What Is A Conservatorship?

In Ohio, a conservatorship arrangement allows a court-appointed individual to assume the authority of making financial decisions on behalf of a minor, incapacitated person, or someone with an intellectual disability. This appointed conservator manages all financial affairs for their loved one, such as settling debts and bills, maintaining bank accounts and investments, and overseeing cash expenditures. James A. Singler, a reputable estate planning attorney at Singler Law LLC, can assist you if a loved one's situation may benefit from a conservatorship. Mr. Singler, equipped with a wealth of legal knowledge and working in collaboration with medical and other professionals, has effectively pursued conservatorship arrangements for numerous clients. Get in touch with Singler Law LLC today for further information.

Call Singler Law LLC at 513-654-6890 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

What is a Guardianship?

A guardianship arrangement bestows specified authority on a single individual, enabling them to make crucial decisions on behalf of a minor, a person with intellectual disabilities, or someone incapacitated due to a health condition. Beyond managing the ward's financial matters, the guardian also oversees matters pertaining to their medical treatment, safety concerns, and living conditions. The court must first verify the ward's inability to handle their decisions before awarding guardianship. This is no light decision; courts meticulously evaluate the ward's health and mental status, self-care abilities, and financial management skills. Navigating through this intricate process requires a competent attorney, like James A. Singler of Singler Law LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio. Don't delay in ensuring the best possible support for your loved one; engage the services of Singler Law LLC today!

What About Contesting a Guardianship or Conservatorship?

Recent high-profile cases have highlighted the significance of courts maintaining the flexibility to reassess a guardianship or conservatorship ruling when new evidence emerges. If you suspect that a relative or another individual has treated you unfairly and concealed evidence in your situation, or if you've recovered from your predicament and are prepared to take on life's challenges anew, James A. Singler at Singler Law LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio, can assist. If you're gearing up for a fresh beginning, Singler Law LLC will work diligently to support you in effectively disputing your guardianship or conservatorship. Get in touch with us today to embark on this journey!

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